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Unigold is committed to sustainable development by engaging respectfully with local communities and our host government.  We will continue to contribute to the social and economic development of our local communities.  We will respect human rights, the rights of our workers and stakeholders and protect the safety and health of our workforce. We will manage impacts to the environment using international best practices to ensure a healthy environment for future generations.  Where impacts to the environment and community are unavoidable, we will work to minimize and mitigate those impacts. Where residual impacts remain we will work to compensate, offset and remedy identified risks and impacts to communities and workers.

Unigold will:

  • Create lasting partnerships with communities associated with our business.
  • Support community-based projects and support local economic development.
  • Recruit and train workers and develop local talent from communities associated with our business.
  • Respect the culture and support and celebrate the diversity of peoples associated with our business.
  • Maintain transparent and open communication with local communities.